I would be writing this assignment in 3 parts and subsequent assignments will be linked to it.
In first part you are required to create you own weblog with any free blog provider. The core purpose of the blog will be to discuss your studies and intellectual makeup with the outerworld. The issues that touch you most, it may be politics, arts, literature, science, technolology, sports or any other thing that is of interest to you, that whcih drive you, that which keep you going, that which define you, that whcih gives you sense of purpose in life. In doing so you would also like to showcase your university skills, works that you had done before or doing it here in my course or in some other course. Of course I am also asking to put up a page about yourself. If appropriate, a nice formal pic etc..
Spend some time giving your blog a catchy but meaningful title.
You can take further help from the wikibook on An Introduction to Weblogs (http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/An_Introduction_to_Weblogs) for making a blog. Section 2 directly explains the steps required to quickly make a blog using the blogger service.
You can also find insight into the blogging at: http://weblogs.about.com/od/?once=true&
Now include the RSS Feed gadget in you blog. In Blogger this gadget can be added by going to Customize-Layout-Page Elements.
Pick up a nice new template. Select appropriate fonts and colors.
Now goto Settings and set all approprate settings. Add some description to your blog. Change all to a meaningful advantage.
Enable backlinks. See what they are? and experiment with them.
Dont forget to upload your homeworks that you have done so far. Summaries that you have taken of the lectures, presentations (if any) , or any other related work.
Add an article on your hobbies, include some pics to show your collections etc...
Include a section to give a list of the books that you have found interesting... on any subject of your interest... but should not be textbooks...
Include a section of places that you have visited... some pics or history of those places....
Include a post on the wish list ....
and about the childhood dreams ... you may want to hear Randy Pausch's The Last Lecture before that...
Include any other material that is of your interest.
I will be updating this post in few hours for the third part of the assignment.