Saturday, January 24, 2009

Grading Scheme (REVISED)

The grading scheme has been slightly modified so therefore make corrections to the earlier provided grading scheme (in your course outline)

S. No. Component Frequency Weight
1. Final Exam 1 30 [unchanged]
2. Term Exams 2 30 (15+15) [unchanged]
3. Term Report 1 9 [reduced to 9 from 10]
4. Assignments 5 10 (2X5)
5. Quizzes 13 (best 12) 12 [raised to 12 from 10]
6. CP points 30 9 (0.3x30)[reduced to 9 from 10]
TOTAL: 100

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Journey to Web2.0,

I am starting this series of posts to discuss the concept of Web2.0. To begin with visit as many of these sites as you can, take a look at their product range, feel the difference and comment here.

Now is the time for me to expand on the web 2.0 after I have defined the terms Ajax, Masups, ASP,  blogs ...  It is lot more easier to define what web 2.0 is not rather than what it is. It is not a version of some technology or software rather a new generation of web technology usage.

Accoring to Tim O'reily:

"Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as a platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform."

For more involved reading I would suggest to consult wikipedia before we move any further. So I am hoping more views on this to further the debate.

Guest Speaker Sesssion: Saturday, 24th January 2009 at 3:00PM - 5:00PM Venue: City Campus Auditorium


“Management of Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship – Key to Success in the 21st century”.

Speaker: Syed Zahoor Hassan

Brief Profile of the speaker:

Professor in the Suleman Dawood School of Business at LUMS. Dr Hassan has served LUMS in many capacities besides his teaching and research, including Associate Dean, Dean, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Vice chancellor. 

Though this has been part of "distinguished lecture series" at IBA but I am using this to fill a slot for guest speaker session in our course outline. 

You will be given class attendence and a point for participation. Additional CP points can be earned by puting an intelligent question. (if any)

I will assign readings in the class for this, so come prepared to discuss.

To start with browse Cambridge's Centre for Technology Managment: (

Note: Ofcourse therewill be no class on saturday instead this session will be suffice. 

Why we should blog?

Please if you have not followed the technorati's report then read through here... These images are taken from technorati's report on blogosphere and reproduced for non-profit and student's interest.  The following image shows that blogging is now a global phenomenon.

Generally blogs fall in one of these categories or mix of these. The following image can help understand that:

See and guess in which segment our blog falls?

[Both personal and professional topics are equally popular. Forty percent of bloggers consider their blogging topics outside of these categories. “Other” blog topics include: 2008 election, alternative energy, art, beauty, blogging, comics, communication, cooking/food, crafts, design, environment, internet/Web 2.0, Jamaica, and media/journalism.

Three-quarters of bloggers cover three or more topics. The average number of topics blogged about is five.

There were some global differences. Music is more popular and politics is less popular in Asia, while personal, lifestyle, and religious topics are less popular in Europe.] From Technorati's Report

Some of the reasons why people should blog are: (and it holds tru for pakistani bloggers too)

  • Self expression and sharing expertise are the top reasons for blogging
  • Personal satisfaction is the key success metric for three out of four bloggers
  • Most Professional and Corporate Bloggers have benefited professionally

You can take complete view of the reasons with charts to get more on this in the report.

One in four bloggers spends ten hours or more blogging each week. The most influential bloggers are even more prolific. 

Over half of the Technorati top authority ( bloggers post five or more times per day, and they are twice as likely to tag their blog posts compared to other bloggers.

Can someone among you help me explain what does this term means? You can take a look at the given link first.

On future of blogging the report says...

“There will be more blogs used in education, particularly among K-12 students and teachers. Bookmarks will merge with blogs for those of us who use our blogs as note-pads or filing cabinets. Blog archives will be viewed as a rich source of cultural history. Blogs will be a means for more collaborative team work. People will expect businesses, media, and print organizations, even government organizations, to have some form of blog, in order to promote communication. Blogging will also help to provide insight to businesses about their consumers.” 
Lynn Marentette

“Although today's form of blogging is a volunatary form of self-expression, in the future our experiences, actions, locations, and preferecnes will be auto-recorded directly to the web.” 

“The future of blogging will be an auto-synching of our lives directly to the web —often a quiet recording in the background” 
Jeremiah Owyang
Senior Analyst, Social Computing
[already quoted in one of my comments on blogosphere post]

Hope this would have helped understand the nature of blogosphere further especially to those who did not take a look at the technorati report on the state of blogoshoere 2008.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Need help in case preparation?

check out the following link on your text's companion website for useful tips..

Friday, January 16, 2009

Preparing for the class on Wednessday, the 21st January 2009.


1. Prepare the case at the end of the chapter

Can IS help prevent a public health crises?

Briefly answer the questions in your folder. At least first two questions.

2. Read Hands-on MIS section and attempt the exercises

3. Analyze the IS with the help of diagram (as we did in the class) for second interactive session: Managing travel expenses: New tools, new savings.

4. G3: Teamwork: Describing management decisions an systems Prepare 5( min) power point presentation, to be presented in class. [you can look forthe details at the end of the chapter 2.]

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Preparing for the class on Saturday, 17 Jan 2009

1.  Advance reading of 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3

Write answer to related review questions in your folder (1 to 11)

2.  Read the blog for announcements and other articles… 

Monday, January 12, 2009

For the next class on Wednessday 14th Jan 2009.

1 Explore and answer short case questions in students file

2 Hands-on MIS (section)

Understanding Information System Requirements. Read the problem set and try answering the questions in your folder

3 Reading my blog and adding your comments 

4 Preparing for first quiz Reading 1.1 and 1.2

5 Preparing Case : Morgan Stanley’s Return on System Noninvestement

Your folders may be checked for handwritten notes

6 Read the summary at the end of your text and answer briefly the review questions 

7 Group Tasks

G1: Improving Decision making: using databases to analyze sales trends

G2: Using Internet Software to Budget for shipping costs

Power point presentation mailed to me latest by Tuesday 4:00PM

By each group. NO MORE THAN FIVE MINS. Will be given to explain the answers to the class.
Class needs to come prepared by reading the problem set.

Friday, January 9, 2009


An Introduction to Weblogs

This is a wikibook on web blogs. It covers the terminology, its history, use and influence. It also teaches you how to create your own blog.

State of the Blogosphere / 2008

This is a report by Technorati on the state of blogosphere and emreging facts.

Israel takes battle with Hamas to YouTube

This news item is an example of  how important blogosphere is?  Even militaries cannot afford to do away with it!. and how blogosphere affects the mainstream media?

Content Outline

Week 1 

10 & 14 Jan 2009

Information Systems in Global Business Today(Chapter 1)

 Why Information Systems
 Contemporary Approaches to Information Systems
 Toward the Digital Firm: The New Role of Information Systems in Organizations
 Learning to Use Information Systems: New Opportunities with Technology.

Week 2

17 & 21 Jan 2009
Information Systems in the Enterprise (Chapter 2)

 Key System Applications in the Organization
 Systems from a Functional Perspective and constituency perspective
 Integrating Functions and Business Processes
 Collaborative Commerce, E-commerce, E-business, and E-Government
 Enterprise applications

Week 3

24 & 28 Jan 2009
Information Systems, Organizations and Strategy (Chapter 3)

 Organizations and Information Systems
 The Changing Role of Information Systems in Organizations
 Information Systems and Business Strategy  

Week 4

31 Jan 09 & 4 Feb 09
Ethical and Social Issues in the Digital Firm (Chapter 4)

 Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems
 Ethics in an Information Society
 The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems

Week 5

7 & 11Feb 2009
IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies (Chapter 5)

 Evolution of IT infrastructure
 Infrastructure components
 Trends and Emerging technologies (software and hardware)

Week 6

12 – 18 Feb 2009
First Term Exam

21 Feb 09

Guest Speaker [dates may vary as per guests availability]

Week 7

25 & 28 Feb 2009
Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management (Chapter 6)

 Organizing Data in a Traditional File Environment
 The Database Approach to Data Management
 Using databases to improve business performance and decision making
 Database Trends

Week 8

4 & 7 Mar 2009
Telecommunications, the Internet and Wireless Technology(Chapter 7)

 The Telecommunications Revolution
 Communications Networks
 The Internet
 The wireless revolution

Week 9

11 & 14 Mar 2009
Securing Information Systems (Chapter 8)

 System Vulnerability and Abuse
 Business Value of Security and Control
 Establishing a framework for security and control
 Technologies and tools for security

Week 10

18 & 21Mar 2009
Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise Applications (Chapter 9)

 Enterprise Systems
 SCM and CRM systems

Week 11

24 – 30 Mar 2009
Second Term Exams

Week 12

1 & 4 Apr 2009
Managing Knowledge (Chapter 11)

 Knowledge Management in the Organization
 Enterprise-wide KMS KWS: Knowledge Work Systems
 Expert Systems
 Other Intelligent Techniques

Week 13

8 & 11 Apr 2009
Enhancing Decision-Making (Chapter 12)

 Decision making and information systems
 Decision-Support Systems (DSS)
 Group Decision-Support Systems (GDSS)
 Executive Support in the Enterprise (ESS)

Week 14

15 & 18 Apr 2009
Project Presentations

Week 15

22 & 25Apr 2009
Project Presentations  

Week 16

29 Apr 2009 &
2 May 2009
Redesigning the Organization with Information Systems (Chapter 12) [if time permitted ]

 Systems as Planned Organizational Change
 Business Process Reengineering and Total Quality Management (TQM)
 Overview of Systems Development Alternative System-Building Approaches
 Application Development for the Digital Firm