Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why we should blog?

Please if you have not followed the technorati's report then read through here... These images are taken from technorati's report on blogosphere and reproduced for non-profit and student's interest.  The following image shows that blogging is now a global phenomenon.

Generally blogs fall in one of these categories or mix of these. The following image can help understand that:

See and guess in which segment our blog falls?

[Both personal and professional topics are equally popular. Forty percent of bloggers consider their blogging topics outside of these categories. “Other” blog topics include: 2008 election, alternative energy, art, beauty, blogging, comics, communication, cooking/food, crafts, design, environment, internet/Web 2.0, Jamaica, and media/journalism.

Three-quarters of bloggers cover three or more topics. The average number of topics blogged about is five.

There were some global differences. Music is more popular and politics is less popular in Asia, while personal, lifestyle, and religious topics are less popular in Europe.] From Technorati's Report

Some of the reasons why people should blog are: (and it holds tru for pakistani bloggers too)

  • Self expression and sharing expertise are the top reasons for blogging
  • Personal satisfaction is the key success metric for three out of four bloggers
  • Most Professional and Corporate Bloggers have benefited professionally

You can take complete view of the reasons with charts to get more on this in the report.

One in four bloggers spends ten hours or more blogging each week. The most influential bloggers are even more prolific. 

Over half of the Technorati top authority (http://support.technorati.com/faq/topic/71) bloggers post five or more times per day, and they are twice as likely to tag their blog posts compared to other bloggers.

Can someone among you help me explain what does this term means? You can take a look at the given link first.

On future of blogging the report says...

“There will be more blogs used in education, particularly among K-12 students and teachers. Bookmarks will merge with blogs for those of us who use our blogs as note-pads or filing cabinets. Blog archives will be viewed as a rich source of cultural history. Blogs will be a means for more collaborative team work. People will expect businesses, media, and print organizations, even government organizations, to have some form of blog, in order to promote communication. Blogging will also help to provide insight to businesses about their consumers.” 
Lynn Marentette

“Although today's form of blogging is a volunatary form of self-expression, in the future our experiences, actions, locations, and preferecnes will be auto-recorded directly to the web.” 

“The future of blogging will be an auto-synching of our lives directly to the web —often a quiet recording in the background” 
Jeremiah Owyang
Senior Analyst, Social Computing
[already quoted in one of my comments on blogosphere post]

Hope this would have helped understand the nature of blogosphere further especially to those who did not take a look at the technorati report on the state of blogoshoere 2008.


  1. could there be any monetory benefit be generated thru blogging?

  2. I think, "technorati top authority" is just a rank your blog gets if it is linked to other different blogs over a period of time..if i visit your blog, it counts as one technorati +point in your ranking...
    It is simply one of those things you can use as a way of bragging and showing to others that your blog is popular among most. Probably a great way to assure yourself that people are reading what you've written!
    Also, the higher your rank the more likelihood of it showing up in searches online...

  3. Hello there everyone. By now we know blogs are the new communication tool for the 21st century so keeping that in mind I have designed my own blog for all things entertainment.
    You can visit my blog over at:-

  4. Adil: I liked your blogg and the theme it caries but please next time your enter a url hyperlink it so that it works through a click. I hope you got what I am saying.

    Areej: Well its not as simple as this. Though you have an idea but it needs to be precise and importance of its impact should be realized.

    Usman: There is complete section in this report that discusses the economic side of the blogging. Read that. You may become one of those to benefit from it.

  5. Thanks sir for the heads up. I adjusted the links to make them work. Glad you liked the blog.

  6. Adil: Its still not working come and see me in the counseling session.

  7. "Blogging for Business - How Make Blogging an Effective Strategy for Your Business"
    this is an article which i would like all to see which can help us enhance and promote our businesses effectively.

  8. farid: the article has good practical tips. others should also skim over it.

  9. I am posting an interesting article that basically tells about that how blogs will change our business.
    Look past the yakkers, hobbyists, and political mobs. Your customers and rivals are figuring blogs out. Our advice: Catch up...or catch you later.

  10. the link for that article
