Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Journey to Web2.0,

I am starting this series of posts to discuss the concept of Web2.0. To begin with visit as many of these sites as you can, take a look at their product range, feel the difference and comment here.

Now is the time for me to expand on the web 2.0 after I have defined the terms Ajax, Masups, ASP,  blogs ...  It is lot more easier to define what web 2.0 is not rather than what it is. It is not a version of some technology or software rather a new generation of web technology usage.

Accoring to Tim O'reily:

"Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as a platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform."

For more involved reading I would suggest to consult wikipedia before we move any further. So I am hoping more views on this to further the debate.


  1. web 2.0, is a good way to to enhance creativity, communications and secure information sharing

  2. yeah, basically its how we use the technology of the internet to provide new platforms. for example, social networking forums and business solution websites, like Imagespan mentioned above which offers users to license their unique content and sell their unique ideas.

  3. Web 2.0 is another step in online marketing, in which organizations can use the help of channels such as those mentioned above, like Vignette and Hivelive to communicate effectively to their customers. And I also think that different forums are of use to each organization, each of them decides which one can help it out the most and then subcribes to that particular website.

  4. Its a new world of internet facilities. Personally, I found SynthaSite really helpful. I have never seen such an easy-to-use interface for website creation.

  5. Web 2.0 is in trouble. The idea (of social networks and user-generated content) seems all right and useful, but it has failed as a business model. Companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and thousands of others have yet to find a way to make money online.

    It looks though that this round of Web 2.0 participants, particularly Znak it or Imagespan, have some new ideas how to convert the huge amount of content and users' traffic into a steady stream of revenues. I like their products.

  6. I would appreciate if discuss the products and individual website rather than the whole idea od Web2.0.

  7. Lithium's community engaging formula based on excite, engage and inspire seems like an effective approach to build brand loyalty. Similarly i was also impressed with Kapow Technologies On Demand Service and Enterprise products for collecting and havesting web data.

  8. Synthasite's user friendly website offers free website creation for individuals with limited IT Know-how. This software is very useful as in our last computer course viz. Introduction to Computer Applications we were taught how to create a website through a very complicated website. Synthasite is thus easier to use.

  9. If you want a more professional answet to what is web 2.0 visit
    I'm sure yu'll be easily able to grasp the general idea about it.

  10. adil i read the article. Web 2.0 if used intelligently has a huge potential to market new products for companies

  11. http://www.marketingscoop.com/web-20-need-to-know.htm
    this website helps you know abt wht web 2.0 is. its not very detailed but a helpul website.

  12. Sir can you explain what exactly web 2.0 is. Also i did not get what you want us to learn from the above mentioned web 2.0 using companies. Plz explain its benefit.

  13. sir i think we need to have a session on web 2.0..i did my research on the internet..there's a worldwide controversy whether web 2.0 has actually made life better or worse.according to one of the web sites that i visited the term "Web 2.0" has clearly taken hold, with more than 9.5 million citations in Google. But there's still a huge amount of disagreement about just what Web 2.0 means, with some people decrying it as a meaningless marketing buzzword, and others accepting it as the new conventional wisdom.
